The Centre's Director, Phil Bowen, responds to the announcement of measures to tackle the acute population pressures in adult male prisons in England and Wales, reflecting on a similar crisis in 2007.
This briefing consists of the Centre for Justice Innovation's response to the consultation launched by the Ministry of Justice on the Draft Code of Practice for Diversionary and Community Cautions.
We spoke to Police Community Support Officer Fairbanks from Humberside Police about the work she does to promote safety for sex workers in her area, and the innovative diversion course for clients of sex workers that she devised.
This paper provides an overview of the existing research regarding Family Drug and Alcohol Courts and the evidence around family treatment courts more widely.
We spoke to Aaron Brown (Research Associate for the Children & Young People’s Centre for Justice), Stephen McVey (Service Manager of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership) and Sheriff Fleming about the Glasgow Youth Court.
A research study by the Centre for Justice Innovation and Staffordshire University has uncovered that women are at risk of being targeted by abusers in “chaotic, intimidating or unsafe” drug and alcohol treatment services
This research explores how the needs of women who use drugs and alcohol are currently being met through a qualitative research project focused on the West Midlands.
The second Family Drug and Alcohol Courts annual report pulls together key figures on the activity and impact of these courts over the last year.
We spoke to Dr Raven Bowen, CEO of National Ugly Mugs, about their work tackling violence against sex workers, and how well the justice system responds to people engaging in this type of work.
We spoke with Jane Marriott about how the service implements the evidence-based Family Drug and Alcohol model.