We spoke to Jasmin Hernon, Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) at Gloucestershire Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC), about their role and the importance of having an SLT within this problem-solving court model.
We spoke with Gillian Booth and Claire Borden from Children and Justice Services in South Lanarkshire to hear more about the work they have been doing setting up and running the new problem-solving court based at Hamilton Sheriff Court.
We spoke with Katie Moore, a Service Manager in Intake at Southwark Youth Justice Service, about her reflections on managing their Turnaround programme in its first year.
The Centre's Director, Phil Bowen, reflects on the announcement of the Sentencing Review and the opportunity it presents to put our criminal justice system on the road to recovery.
After attending the Labour Party Conference, the Centre's Director, Phil Bowen, reflects on the new Government's time in office so far, and their approach to justice going forward.
The Centre's Director, Phil Bowen, reflects on what the far right, racist riots over the past week mean for our criminal justice system- and whether it can deliver.
The Centre's Director, Phil Bowen, responds to the first steps being taken by the new Government to take action on prison capacity, reflecting on how what needs to follow this to shift our criminal justice system into a better working state.
Our new ten-point plan, Systems Shift, argues that a new Government needs to avoid the system overloading and collapsing— otherwise, we will never have the time, the money or the energy to set the system back onto the road to recovery.