This briefing outlines how policymakers can take a bold national approach to address the inconsistent coverage of community diversion, and strengthen the practice of this important area of police work.
This briefing seeks to help FDAC practitioners and judges understand the basics and evidence around non-lawyer reviews, how to prepare for them and promising practice principles.
This briefing brings attention to the particular damaging impact that contact with the youth justice system has on the over children with Special Educational Needs and Disability, and provides practical ideas about what can be done to address this harm.
This report summarises the evidence on the impact of unpaid work, identifies good practice and seeks to understand challenges in its delivery, so it can be as purposeful and as effective as possible.
This report documents the findings of the process and outcomes evaluation of CASS+, a charity which provides advice and support from magistrates' court settings in Devon & Cornwall.
We have produced a review and synthesis of the available research on the use of the conditional caution, in order to inform the implementation of the new diversionary caution by all police forces.
This guidance aims to support probation practitioners to improve their practice in working with individuals who speak English as a second or additional language.
This study explores the feasibility of developing problem-solving courts in the West Midlands, especially problem-solving courts for both court-involved children and young people and for young adults.