This report, sets out why procedural fairness matters for courts, explains the factors which affect whether people feel fairly treated and puts forward some practical ideas on what courts can do about to improve it. It is intended as a practical resource for people working in courts, as well as a guide to research in this area.
London’s Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) is a strikingly successful example of courts innovating to deal with complex problems. This report examines the factors behind the court’s success – from the birth of the idea, to the end of the pilot.
We conducted a review of English and Welsh Specialist Domestic Violence Courts in 2013. Our analysis of current practice in these specialist courts suggests that significant gains have been made since 2005 when they were set up.
West London Drug Court, which ran from 2007 to 2013 at Hammersmith Magistrates Court was a pioneering project which sought to establish a problem-solving court, which combines punishment with help, within a normal English magistrates’ court. This briefing looks at it's work.